'COOKIES' ko@@ duyla tüm desenlerde %20 indirim - sadece 12/12/2024 tarihine kadar geçerlidir!

Kisse Lindén

Kisse Lindén
Köken Sweden
Üye beri 04 / 2014
Benim Hakkımda Enjoying my daily life close to the nature with animals and inspiring people that surrounds me.
Tasarımlarım Hakkında Mostly my designs are very colorful and abstract. But I also make design with a more organic touch. I think the space inbetween the objects are very important in a pattern.
İlham Kaynağım Nature, folkart in general, art, pinterest.

Ülkemden tasarımlar için tipik
Scandinavian design is famous for the Nordic Light. Usually they are abstract and minimalistic.
Desenlerin yanı sıra tasarım Layout for board games packaging and illustration.