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Anny Cecilia Walter

Anny Cecilia Walter
Köken Peru
Üye beri 10 / 2013
Benim Hakkımda Art is something that is inherent in every human being. I enjoy making patterns, drawing, painting, it is part of my daily life.
Tasarımlarım Hakkında My designs have definitely flowers, i like to work with flowers, i love to applicate the vintage and grunge styles as well.
İlham Kaynağım My Family, old Greek and French music, the beach.

Ülkemden tasarımlar için tipik
The Traditional Inkas and pre-Inkas Cultures have a particular colorful style, using ever the animals of the Andes.
Desenlerin yanı sıra tasarım Painting, templates, cards, backgrounds, digital art and photography.