Martina Pfeifer

Martina Pfeifer
出身地 オーストリア
メンバー登録日: 02 / 2015
About Me I am artistically active in various manners and love most to draw and to illustrate. To design patterns I have first learned about at my time on University, where we realized our designs with handmade wooden models. At the moment, the work with digital media is very exciting for me.
About My Designs I love it sometimes really colorful, than more monochrome, depends on my mood, but mostly I prefer clear shapes and straight designs.
Origin of Inspiration At my everyday life, inside and outside, I often discover signs, ornaments or simply images, what string together in my phantasy to a pattern. I try then to realize this inspirations.
My country typical designs My impression of the present designs at my country is, that there is a colorful and various influence of other cultures everywhere. The traditional designs are for sure the fine floral and ornamental designs, for instance of the dirndl dresses.
Other works Illustrations; Visit me on my website: