'SEA' ko@@ duyla tüm desenlerde %20 indirim - sadece 06/13/2024 tarihine kadar geçerlidir!

Mariia Le Squer

Mariia Le Squer
Köken France
Üye beri 09 / 2020
Benim Hakkımda I am working on fashion accessories and patterns. My architectural education allows me to design complex designs and patterns, and my work experience allows me to understand how my designs will look in real life.
Tasarımlarım Hakkında I try to approach the development of each design as a work of art, trying to convey a sense of handwork, choosing the plastic and color palette to convey the mood and atmosphere. Most of the patterns start with sketches in a sketchbook, then I modify them on a graphics tablet and only then I finalize them in Adobe illustrator.
İlham Kaynağım

Ülkemden tasarımlar için tipik
Desenlerin yanı sıra tasarım Jewelry and accessories design. Consulting.