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Alison Uvner

Alison Uvner
Ursprung Sverige
Medlem sedan 07 / 2022
Om mig I am a surface pattern designer living in Stockholm, although born in the UK. Apart from being addicted to pattern design, I love gardening and playing tennis.
Om My Designs My designs are usually quite bold and bright featuring a range of subjects from flowers, vegetables, birds to art deco and symetrical - in fact just about anything! I use illustrator for creating my patterns which I love - photoshop too at times.
Min inspirationskälla Inspiration can come from just about anything, but love looking at old books, photos I have taken myself, browsing pinterest, or just an idea that can come from nowhere!
Typiskt för mönster från
mitt land
Typical Swedish designs could feature, folkart, wild flowers, forests, animals, birds etc. Colors blue and yellow, red and green could dominate but now always.
Förutom mönster designar jag cards, posters, canvas art, abstract etc.