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Emily Passera

Emily Passera
Происхождение Германия
Участник с 11 / 2014
О мне I'm a designer located in Hamburg/Germany with Austrian and Canadian roots. Born in Canada, grown up in Austria, studied in England living in Germany and married to an italian.... this all inspired me my whole life and of course still does. After graduating at the University of Derby (BA(hons) of Art). I worked more than 8 years as a textile designer developing allovers, graphics (placed prints) and color concepts for clothing, interior,...etc. In 2013 I started my own business as a textile designer.
О моих дизайнах Complex, expressive, stylish , often very different, colorful and clear,...
Мой источник вдохновения everything nice
Типичный для дизайна из
моей страны
Кроме шаблонов, которые я разрабатываю