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Marta Janicka

Marta Janicka
Origem Polônia
Membro desde 02 / 2020
Sobre Mim I'm a fashion designer and textile designer. I live in Poland and love to create funny bold prints.
Sobre Meus Designs I like solid lines and pretty dense repeats. I love when my designs bring some smile and happiness.
Minha Fonte de Inspiração My color palettes come from nature. I look for an interesting color mix with a twist. I love bright colors in a comic style.
Típico para desenhos do
meu país
I think the most recognizable designs from my country are folk-inspired patterns with cutouts. They are in bright colors too.
Além de padrões eu desenho Besides patterns, I design fashion on avatars. It helps me to better understand the repeat size and colors.