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Jasmin Metzen

Jasmin Metzen
Opprinnelse Germany
Medlem siden 08 / 2013
Om meg I am a dreamer, a little bit crazy and most i am crative. Beside creating design, i make art with watercolour, or acrylic an love photography.
Om mine design Are funny, creative, sweet, friendly, decorative, elegant and modern.
Min inspirasjonskilde People, animals, internet and photography
Typisk for design fra
mitt land
They are ordinary structured. I try to give them more style and fun.
Foruten mønstre jeg designe Shirt-designs. Shop: http://www.vertraeumt-verrueckt.spreadshirt.de/ Zazzle shop: http://www.zazzle.de/vertraeumtverrueckt* Art and photography: Blog: http://www.dreamycreative.blogspot.de Photography: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jasminm/ Society6:http://society6.com/vertraeumtverrueckt