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Susie Jo

Susie Jo
Opprinnelse UK
Medlem siden 05 / 2022
Om meg Hi, my name is Susie Jo, based in Cornwall where plants thrive due to the climate. I have a degree in Graphic Design and have oil paintings in galleries around south Cornwall. Being inspired by the Cornish countryside is very rewarding, enabling me to create abstract designs that are both contemporary and bold.I have been designing surface patterns for 3 years now.
Om mine design My designs are vibrant and diverse in the way I create repeat patterns. I paint or sketch each design then enhance in photoshop and illustrator and try different ways to bring out the best possible design from my imagination.
Min inspirasjonskilde My source of nature is the English countryside, picking up ideas wherever I travel, from the north to the south.
Typisk for design fra
mitt land
Floral and abstract designs inspired by our country-side.
Foruten mønstre jeg designe create oil paintings using the impasto technique and graphic style posters of London and other iconic land marks.