코드 'SEA' 를 사용하는 모든 패턴에 대해 20% 할인 - 2024년 6월 13일까지만 유효합니다!

Carmen Janosch

Carmen Janosch
오리진 독일
회원 이후 06 / 2012
나에 대해
내 디자인 정보 I like unusual ideas which do not fit into right standard. I love the gritty design as well as the colorful motif.
나의 영감의 원천 Pop Art, Retro, 50s to 70s, Gothic .... just a bit of everything. Well mixed, depending on the mood of the day. In most cases outweighs the colorful design. There are days where I have no creativity. These days are not taken tragically.

우리 나라의 디자인에 대한 일반적인
The typical German design there are hardly any. Today, patterns incur by one of the roots of many nationalities diversity. Something from each culture. The typical German belling deer remains a cult.
패턴 외에도 디자인 llustration, wallpaper, Porcelain design, print products, fabric design