コード 'SEA' が付いているすべてのパターンが 20% 割引-2024年6月13日までのみ有効!

Deborah Eater

Deborah Eater
出身地 アメリカ合衆国
メンバー登録日: 04 / 2014
About Me Most of the time I am an artist who paints with paper — not on paper but with paper — I call it painterly collage. I also love to play with cloth and fiber, pattern and design.
About My Designs My designs are my playground where I unwind after a day of painting.
Origin of Inspiration I love to play with geometric variations, especial those that combine curve and linear elements.
My country typical designs American designs reflect many ethnic roots. My own heritage is a mixture of English, Czech, German, Italian, Russian, and Slovenian ancestors.
Other works I create fine art, working mainly in charcoal and collage. I also like to knit and to spin my own yarns.