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Katrin Kristjansdottir

Katrin Kristjansdottir
Alkuperä Iceland
Jäsen alkaen 07 / 2012
Tietoja minusta I am a designer who is always on the move and constantly being inspired by the environment. I am from Iceland and therefore a hopeless romantic and a dreamer.
Tietoja Omista malleista My main interests are geometrical forms and nature. My designs have a lot of variety being inspired by different environment, music or dreams.
Oma inspiraation lähde I am from Iceland where people and nature live together and therefore nature plays a big role in my inspiration. You can’t escape from nature even if you try. Public art, art installations and murals – is everywhere in Iceland. The museums and galleries are loaded with modern and folk art, photography and textile arts. Innovative music is a big part of the Icelandic community and plays a very big role in my inspiration.
maani malleille
Much of Icelandic design reflects the mystique of form, colours and texture taken from Icelandic nature. Also typical for designers from Iceland is to make designs from natural material, like Icelandic wool, leather, fish-skin and fur.
Kuvioiden lisäksi suunnittelen I worked for a fashion designer Ragna Frodadottir for 7 years in Iceland and after that time I am constantly creating something new. I can never sit still or do only one thing at a time. Knitting, sewing and crochets projects lie around my house or in my bag to take with me where ever I go.