20% rabat på alle mønstre med koden 'SEA' - kun gyldig indtil 06/13/2024!

Adi Kuncoro

Adi Kuncoro
Origin Indonesia
Medlem siden 03 / 2020
Om mig Our studio designs have a professional team, our main division is Clothing design, we make many designs for industrial and commercial purposes. If you want to have an exclusive license of our work, please contact us at any time. Thanks.
Om Mine designs We have a commercial design direction that is well accepted by the market. A simple, strong design, character and also eye catchings are designs that have high selling points. Thanks.
Min inspirationskilde We love the geometrical and natural work of humans. We are also inspired by the history of old human graphics, totems and old symbols of human civilization, We make them in the modern version.
Typisk for design fra
mit land
In my country the distinctive design is Batik, it can be from Yogyakarta or it can be Balinese, Indonesian. This original culture also influenced our work.
Udover mønstre designer jeg I also design logos, illustrations, packaging designs and t-shirt designs.